Bringing books to life!

On Friday, our class received a treat for their high attendance! They had the fantastic opportunity to take part in a dance workshop that involved bring books to life. The book they focused on was Alice in Wonderland. Please watch the video of this – I was extremely impressed with their energy and memorising the sequence of moves.

Shrove Tuesday

This week marked the beginning of our Lent learning, reflection and celebration. We will be doing lots of work on our value of endurance as part of this. We looked at ways in which we could individually ‘turn over a new leaf’ over the next few weeks. On Shrove Tuesday, we took part in a special collective worship and pancake relay races!

Holocaust Workshop

We were extremely fortunate to take part in a Holocaust workshop this morning. A guest speaker came from the Holocaust Museum to share stories of Holocaust survivors and build upon our knowledge of the treatment of Jews during World War II. The children asked some insightful questions and we learnt many interesting yet shocking facts about this era of history.


This term, our PE topic is netball. Our class has been practising their catching, throwing and landing techniques to ensure they pass the ball around the court successfully towards their team’s goal end. Their skills are certainly building each week!

Kindertransport visitor

We were extremely fortunate this week to welcome a guest to speak with us about her mother, a Kinderstransport refugee. During World War II, her mother escaped the Nazis in Germany by travelling across Europe to the UK, where she stayed with a host family. This gave her the opportunity to have an education, stay safe and learn English fluently. The children had some fantastic, insightful questions for our guest speaker.

Women in World War II

Today, we looked at the role of women in World War II and the contribution they made to the war effort. This brought about many discussions on wider issues such as gender stereotypes and gender equality.

It was fascinating to learn about the Canary Girls, the Women’s Land Army and the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps. The children had great questions to ask our actors who played these roles in our hot seating activity.

End of term!

It has been a long term this Autumn with two 7 week terms. However the children have worked hard and learnt a lot! It was lovely to celebrate together in the church today for the Christmas Concert. I know they are looking forward to entertaining parents at the Christingle tomorrow too. I hope you all have a restful break and spending time together. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Children were also selected for their hard work on their behaviour and effort this term, related to our class dojo chart, to take part in an end of term treat. This was a skateboarding lesson. Children will be able to work towards a treat at the end of next term too.

A World Fit For Us

This week, in PSHE, the class has been looking at their human rights and how we wish to create a world that is fit for children. This is because a world that is fit for children is fit for everyone. Every child looked at which rights were more important to them and ordered these in a diamond 9.

We had some fantastic discussions about what rights we could have here that we might take for granted such as free health care provision and education. We looked as stories about children living in war-torn countries that may not have these rights met.

Linking to our big question about activism, we looked at ways that we can responsibly be activists to campaign for the rights of these children and it was great to see their passion for being an upstander for others.